About Me

Hey there! I am Nick, nice and simple name to remember! Onto some short introduction!

I fell in love with electronics on the first year of my university day. On that fateful day, I made a LED blink with a simple 555 timer. Since then, I’ve always been wondering, researching, and experimenting how the electronics around me works. The idea of building anything from scratch always excites me, now, imagine my face when the project is actually up and running!

The purpose of this site is to dump my projects’ documentation up for you all to refer to, feel free to duplicate everything I do. It will be even better if you comment on any flaws or improvement that can be done in my projects, let us learn from each other!

Here are some of the skills I want to show off to you guys:

  • PCB Design (KiCAD / EagleCAD)
  • Product Design (DesignSpark Mechanical / FreeCAD)
  • Firmware Programming (MPLAB IDE / ARM / Arduino)
  • Web UI/UX Design (Figma)
  • Web Development (Vanilla / ReactJS)
  • App Development (Android Native / iOS Swift / Flutter)
  • Web / Server Hosting (IIS / WordPress / Linux / Windows)
  • 3D Printing (Wanhao Duplicator i3 PLUS)
  • D’Utama Toastmasters Club (VPM) – IP2
  • BNI Adante Referral Partner
  • Guitar Player (acoustic fingerstyle)
  • Nerdfighter (DFTBA anyone?)

I guess that is long enough for a short introduction, see you on the next post!
Chan Wei Nick
P.S. Don’t Forget To Be Awesome